Preliminary observations (here) indicated that the immediate rate of decline following a rainfall event is a function of the soil moisture gradient and the permeability of the soil. Figure 1 shows the results of full analysis of the relation between the increment of soil moisture following a rainfall event and the subsequent first order rate of decline for the period April 21 to July 10, 2016. For these analyses, I omitted the soil moisture increments associated with diurnal variation in soil temperature. The resulting subset of soil moisture increments align with precipitation events recorded at the nearby US Weather Station (KGYY) or the project’s Aetna weather station, which started monitoring on June 15, 2016 (Figure 2). All three rain garden parcels showed a negative relation between rate of decline and soil moisture increment. The relation for both Gary E1 and E3 parcels were highly significant (p < 0.001). In contrast, the control parcel had a non-significant positive association. Parcels E1 (mean 0.18 m3/m3) and E3 (mean 0.11 m3/m3) had lower soil moisture (Figure 2) with parcel E2 (mean 0.23 m3/m3) having the highest average soil moisture over this period. Because the rain gardens were filled with a high porosity soil, it is not surprising that the rain garden parcels should have higher rates of infiltration (indicated by the negative value of the estimated rate coefficient) than the more compacted soil of the control parcel and that the rate of infiltration declines as soil moisture approaches saturated values (0.3 to 0.5 m3/m3 depending upon soil composition for the probes used in this study).
Figure 2. Comparison of soil moisture time series (A), with precipitation measured by the U.S. Weather Service (B, station KGYY), and a remote weather station (C) installed in Aetna, June 15, 2016. |
Figure 3. Sample time series of soil moisture decline observed from May 28 to June 5 in the Gary E1 parcel. |
Interval Decline
Rate (1/s)
Mean Interval
Decline Rate (1/s)
Mean Loss (mm/mo)
Gary E1
Gary E2
Gary E3
Gary C1
Overall, it appears that the methods of analyzing patterns in the variation of soil moisture provide reasonable approaches to estimating infiltration and evapotranspiration in parcels of the Vacant to Vibrant project. Loss of the monitoring station in the Gary control parcel on July 9 complicates future analysis of the Gary data. Lack of major rainfall events in Buffalo and Cleveland limits analysis of these parcels for 2016. Nevertheless, differences in soil types and vegetation of these other parcels will provide greater contrast for future analyses.
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